
Pamela is a director and principal consultant of Pamela Steele Associated Ltd and an International Executive Doctorate (DBA) Researcher at Cranfield University, researching the supply-chain in developing countries.

For over 20 years, Pam's career has focused on Logistics and Supply Chain Management in the international development and private sectors, both at headquarters and at the field office level.

Pam worked for UNICEF in Copenhagen as a 'Programme - Supply Chain Specialist' and before that for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) as the Humanitarian Logistics Specialist. Previous employers include Oxfam Great Britain, as the Deputy Head of Logistics & Supply, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and World Vision International.


Pam holds a graduate diploma from the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS-UK) and an MBA in Supply Chain Management from Leicester University.

She is undertaking a part-time Doctorate in Business Administration at Cranfield School of Management. Her research focuses on improving the public health supply chain in developing countries. She expects to complete her Doctorate in 2015.

Professional Bodies

Pam is a member of the Chartered Institute of Supply Management and the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport UK.

She served on an advisory committee working with the Fritz Institute and the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport to develop the Certification in Humanitarian Logistics. She also served on the Heath System Strengthening working group steering committee, which led to the formation of the People that Deliver (PtD) Initiative to improve health outcomes by improving the supply chain. Pam has also represented Oxfam and UNFPA at the Global Logistics Cluster annual meetings.

Guest lectures 

Pamela speaks on supply chain management at various forums. Past lecturers include sharing her experiences in international development with postgraduate students at Cambridge University, Copenhagen Business School, and Herriot Watt University.

Voluntary activities 

In 2006 Pam helped found WISE, a network of logisticians, to provide support particularly to female logisticians helping women beneficiaries rebuild their lives with dignity ( She published a booklet ‘Humanitarian Logistics: A career for women’, which provides inspiration and advice to aspiring logisticians (

Pamela serves as the Executive Director of ‘Teach a Child – Africa’, a registered charity she helped found in 2007 to finance secondary education for children orphaned by AIDS,